Welcome to Know Before You Buy where I provide a wide variety of information for people that are blind or low vision and Expert guidance for product designers. This is the home for my “Know before you buy” appliance review videos. Content on this channel may be helpful for blind or low vision people, parents of blind or low vision people, product designers, and people curious about how people like myself, a blind person, use and or feel about many different tools.
Attention designers and product engineers:
This channel is for you to learn about how blind users interact with technology so you can create better products in the future. I strive to provide feedback on what makes good accessible products and what does not.
Attention manufacturers:
If you would like me to review your product please be aware that I will not give any products the buy it stamp of approval if I do not think blind people will enjoy using the product. All product reviews are honest and will contain my own opinion of how usable or not the product is. If you agree to these terms please email review.me@accessaces.com and we can arrange for me to receive the item. Please include your name, the product you wish me to review, and if you would like the product returned after the review. Note, If I do not have to return the product I may donate the product to viewers of my channel as prizes.??
If you want me to review pre-release items, please let me know When the product is expected to ship and or if you need me to hold off on the public review. If you are providing me pre-release products, I will not publish without your permission. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please don’t hesitate to email me at youtube@accessaces.com.
Please note:
if you click any of the links I provide I may earn a commission. These commissions help fund any new products I acquire for channel reviews. Thank you for using my affiliate link when buying from amazon.
Amazon Air Quality Sensor
Note that if you ...use this link i may get a commission.
Amazon air quality sensor: https://amzn.to/3RYI6xb://amzn.to/3WzMBQt[+] Show More