Going viral

Now I’m home once again I started to look up who was commenting about the project. It’s almost impossible to count them all. Everyone seems to enjoy and have fun with the idea. The SeeingY seems to get a life of its own. The Tweets the bloggers and anyone that knew about it all had a good laugh. I’d like to think Yahoo for letting me participate in this project. I’ve made so many more new friends that are important to me. This would not have worked without the support of the entire Yahoo accessibility team. Alan and Victor I appreciate all your support at the show. However the biggest heartfelt warm thanks goes to Ted I wish you were there having fun with the rest of us. I really appreciate all your hard work on the backend taking linking an all-around cleaning up made the project. Next time I hope you will be able to have as much fun as the rest of us. I’d like to encourage anyone out there to comment or tag any of the pictures that you recognize. This can only work if everyone else.

By lucy greco

Lucy is a technology enthusiast that is passionate about getting people with disabilities the best access to the same technology as their able-bodied peers.