What Do You Want?

While preparing for my trip to CSUN I started thinking about what people might want to read on this blog. After going back-and-forth, I decided the only way for me to know is to ask all of you. Here goes. My interest for this year is Internet access. I plan on going to as many of the web accessibility sessions as I can. If anyone has a question about web accessibility please make a comment or e-mail me and if I do not know the answer, I will ask the experts.

Every year I go to a conference I am always looking for a new Braille display. Maybe this year all find the right one. Is there any device or types of devices that you would like me to look for, or is there an item that you want me to look up?

I want to keep this fun but also informative. Who knows: I may even interview one or two vendors and put the recording up for you all to hear. Well back to my packing in more tomorrow.

By lucy greco

Lucy is a technology enthusiast that is passionate about getting people with disabilities the best access to the same technology as their able-bodied peers.